78 Nos encantan las dedicatorias, especialmente las que son para aquellos que ya no están. Papá y mamá guiaron a esta corredora de ‘The Kenyan Urban Way’, uno de los numerosos clubes presentes en el Medio Maratón Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Zurich. Casi entre lágrimas, nos contaba que sus padres le habían empujado en los últimos kilómetros. Para ella, el agua y el frío quizá no fueran tan bienvenidos, pero consiguió terminar la carrera sin problemas. Con ellos a su lado, era imposible caer. We love dedications, especially when they are for people who are no longer with us. Dad and mum guided this runner from ‘The Kenyan Urban Way’, one of the many clubs present at the Valencia Half Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich. Almost in tears, she told us that her parents had spurred her on over the last few kilometres. For her, the rain and the cold were perhaps not so welcome, but she managed to finish the race without any problems. With them by her side, she was never going to fail.