80 ¿El Medio Maratón de los enamorados? ¿Cuántos runners cruzaron la línea de meta motivados porque sus parejas les esperaban en la Avenida de Tarongers para fundirse en un abrazo? Este es uno de ellos. Llevaba el nombre de ella en el dorsal. Esta foto es justo antes de encontrarse, algunos metros más adelante. Eva salió a las calles de Valencia para animar y ver a su chico superarse. Ni siquiera un intenso dolor de isquios que, aseguraba, le había estado dando la lata, fue superior a sus fuerzas por dedicarle a su querida su victoria personal. The Half Marathon for lovers? How many runners crossed the finish line motivated because their partners were waiting for them in Avenida de Tarongers to give them a hug? This is one of them. He had her name on his bib. This photo was taken just before they met up again, a few metres further on. Eva took to the streets of Valencia to cheer her boy on and watch him excel. Not even intense hamstring pain, which he admitted had been bothering him, overcame his strength to dedicate his personal victory to his beloved.